Business Architecture Team

Business Process Management (BPM ) has historically been split into two distinct disciplines:

JLC Business Services strongly advocates that applying the appropriate emphasis for each is critical for the success of any BPM project.

JLC Business Services's Business Architecture Team is comprised of Senior Level Business Architects who have solid experience of consulting with major blue-chip companies across multiple sectors. The team have a history of working collectively on projects and can therefore be deployed as specialists, lead architects or as a team.

Business Architecture incorporates a set of techniques for modelling, analysing, optimising and communicating required changes to the architecture of a business. The architecture includes processes, organisations, people, technology, location, data etc as well as the interaction / interdependency between them. Drivers for a change in architecture could be as diverse as a launch of a new product to acquisition of a new company.

The team is unlike a professional services team of any technology company as the team's remit is to work with the customer to improve their business processes, not to pave the way for an implementation of technology.

Where a solid business case can be demonstrated the Business Architect will work alongside both the customer and the JLC Business Services's technical team to ensure that any proposed solution is developed to the requirements of the customer and delivers the anticipated return on investment.

So, if you have a development project you'd like to discuss then please do get in touch.